Andrew Boden: APSA Executive Director

I’d promised myself that I’d write a lighter summer piece for our newsletter. After all, I’m very pleased to see that we’ve had Pride festivals across the country, including a great one here in Vancouver, and that I’m also happy to know that so many music festivals are back with us, too. Not to mention that many of us can now travel, as I’m seeing from my friend’s Instagram feeds as they vacation in England, Italy and Mexico. The world, in a sense, is back with us.

All good news, except that I decided to get COVID last week. I don’t know how: I’ve kept my social gatherings quite small, and I’m still careful with handwashing and masking where necessary—but still, it happened. Fortunately, my symptoms have been mild, and I’ve just had to remain quarantined while I wait out the equivalent of a bad summer cold. I thank my three vaccinations for the diminished symptoms.

It’s a good reminder that the pandemic is still with us.  It’s still important to remember, especially if you live with or care for someone who’s immunocompromised, that these latest virus variants are doing the “social rounds.”  We can still be infected, and we can still infect someone we love and care for.  And, of course, it’s important to keep up to date on any booster shots that you might be eligible for. I received news the other day that I’m eligible, and I can assure you I intend to get one as soon as this next round becomes available.

Regardless of where you find yourself this summer, I hope that you stay healthy during the rest of our warm weather, enjoy time with friends and family—and grab a spot in some August sun. 

